- Auteur(s)
- Editeur
- The Gresham Publishing Company
- Bibliothèque(s)
- Boulangerie
- Parution
- 1907
- NC
- Boutique
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Historical introduction
Chapter I. Bread in ancient times
Chapter II. Assize and bread laws
Chapter III. Bakers’ guilds, companies and corporations
Wheat and other cereals: Nature, properties and diseases
Chapter IV. Wheat and other cereals: Nature and properties
Chapter V. The diseases of wheat, flour and bread
Flour: Its properties, sources, manufacture, &c
Chapter VI. The composition and properties of flour
Chapter VII. Old and new methods of flour-making
Chapter VIII. The characters of the world’s wheats and flours
Chapter IX. The bleaching of flour
Chapter X. The mixing and blending of flour
Chapter XI. The testing and judging of flour
Yeast and fermentation
Chapter XII. Compressed yeast for the use of bakers
Chapter XIII. Easy methods of testing yeast
Chapter XIV. Soluble ferments or enzymes
Chapter XV. The fermentation of flour
Bread and bread-making
Chapter XVI. Long process straight doughs
Chapter XVII. Short-process straight doughs
Chapter XVIII. Exhibition bread
Chapter XIX. Crusty loaves: Names, shapes and methods of handling
Chapter XX. Sponge and dough system with pressed yeast
Chapter XXI. Ferment, sponge and dough
Chapter XXII. Wholemeal, bran and brown breads
Malt and flour barms
Chapter XXIII. Manufacture of home-made barms and yeast
Chapter XXIV. Flour barms