- Auteur(s)
- Editeur
- The Gresham Publishing Company
- Bibliothèque(s)
- Boulangerie, Pâtisserie, Traiteur
- Parution
- 1909
- NC
- Boutique
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Menu dishes
Chapter XXXIV. The preparation of a boar’s head
Chapter XXXV. Vegetable and fruit salads
Chapter XXXVI. Vegetables for garnishing and second-course dishes
Chapter XXXVII. Puddings and sweets
Chapter XXXVIII. Sweet sauces for puddings
Light refreshments
Chapter XXXIX. Wine cups and iced light refreshments
Chapter XL. Sandwiches and savoury rolls
Outside catering
Chapter XLI. The confectioner-Caterer
Chapter XLII. Estimating and hiring
Chapter XLIII. Arranging the tables
Chapter XLIV. Estimating for teas, luncheons, ball sippers, &c.
Chapter XLV. Sample menus
Restaurant catering
Chapter XLVI. The restaurant kitchen
Chapter XLVII. The management of a restaurant
Chapter XLVIII. Luncheon and tea rooms
Chapter XLIX. Bakery ovens
Chapter L. Fuels : Their composition and heating values
Chapter LI. Machinery in the bakery
Chapter LII. Confectionery machinery
Chapter LIII. Power-Gas and oil engines
Chapter LIV. Electric motors